Dominatrix who threatened to reveal nude pictures of Prince Harry’s ‘crazy Las Vegas night’ tells of her ‘nice little smooch’ with the royal

Dominatrix who threatened to reveal nude pictures of Prince Harry’s ‘crazy Las Vegas night’ tells of her ‘nice little smooch’ with the royal

  • Carrie Royale told how Harry is a different person today to party-loving prince

The dominatrix who has threatened to reveal her pictures of a naked Prince Harry during his infamous Las Vegas holiday has told of her ‘nice little smooch’ with him.

Carrie Royale, 52, revealed how she saw Harry losing a game of strip billiards when he was ‘carefree and fun’ in 2012 nearly six years before he married Meghan.

She confirmed they had not had sex, saying: ‘There was no opportunities to go further. When men drink, in my experience… there’s not really a lot going on down there.’

In an exclusive interview with MailOnline, Carrie told how Harry was today a different person to the party-loving prince she met ‘on one of those crazy Vegas nights’.

She likened him now to being a ‘puppet’ and ‘manipulated’ by Meghan who was ‘pulling the strings’ after having ‘totally sucked the fun out of him.’

The ex-stripper also described the Duchess of Sussex as ‘a woke, mature activist’ who would probably consider her husband’s bachelor antics in Las Vegas as ‘shameful’.

Carrie Royale, 52, revealed how she saw Harry losing a game of strip billiards when he was ¿carefree and fun¿ in 2012 nearly six years before he married Meghan

In an exclusive interview with MailOnline, Carrie told how Harry was today a different person to the party-loving prince she met ¿on one of those crazy Vegas nights¿

It has been revealed that Carrie has threatened to post previously-unseen pictures of a naked Harry on her online OnlyFans pay-to-view page.

But she suffered a setback when OnlyFans deactivated her account and banned her for ‘threatening to share non-consensual images’.

But she is still thinking of publishing a book about her life and her ‘interesting clients’, and including details of her meeting with Harry, despite there being no suggestion that he had paid her for anything.

Carrie said: ‘I did write a book and it wasn’t just about Harry, but that night in Vegas was included in the book.

‘Being a dominatrix, you have a lot of interesting clients including politicians and celebrities and there is talk about doing that, and a documentary… it isn’t too far of a stretch from that.’

Harry went on his lads’ break in Las Vegas to let off steam when he was aged 27 before his second trip to Afghanistan when he flew Apache helicopters with the Army Air Corps.

He reportedly ran into Carrie after a day’s drinking, and kissed her after she was invited to join strippers and other guests with him in a Wynn Hotel suite in the gambling mecca.

Ignoring the saying, ‘What Happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas’, Carrie said: ‘I was there during the naked billiards and was coming into a party that saw Harry lose the game, and having that moment in a big suite and going in to finding him in his bedroom suite.

It has been revealed that Carrie has threatened to post previously-unseen pictures of a naked Harry on her online OnlyFans pay-to-view page

But she suffered a setback when OnlyFans deactivated her account and banned her for ¿threatening to share non-consensual images¿

She is still thinking of publishing a book about her life and her ¿interesting clients¿, and including details of her meeting with Harry, despite there being no suggestion that he had paid her for anything

‘I had some liquid courage from alcohol and he did as well, and I just had a nice little smooch with him.’

She added: ‘Harry was definitely more full of fun back then in Vegas. Age might play a part now because he’s a family man.

‘But during his single years he was definitely carefree and fun, and willing to stretch his wings as far as trying to be as independent as he could be from the Palace and have that normal side to him as much as he could.

‘I think a lot of his character now is just Meghan as the woman behind it, pulling the strings. He’s a puppet for her. She has a great deal of influence over him, for sure.’

Carrie threatened to reveal her pictures of Harry ‘in the buff’ after being angry at not being mentioned in his Netflix documentary with Meghan, or in his book Spare.

She said: ‘I’ve never heard from the Palace about Vegas. They have never addressed it. And I don’t know if it was because either the Queen was ill or it was her Jubilee, so a lot of the attention went under the wayside.

‘I haven’t heard from the Sussexes’ camp or their Netflix documentary makers either.

‘I watched the first half, and I was watching to see if they were going to bring up Vegas, but not a word.

Harry reportedly ran into Carrie after a day¿s drinking, and kissed her after she was invited to join strippers and other guests with him in a Wynn Hotel suite in the gambling mecca

Carrie threatened to reveal her pictures of Harry ¿in the buff¿ after being angry at not being mentioned in his Netflix documentary with Meghan, or in his book Spare. Pictured: Harry and Meghan announce their engagement in 2017

‘It’s been ten years now (since Vegas). It wasn’t a planned event and I look back on it as one of those crazy Vegas nights.’

Carrie also told how she was glad that her brief encounter with Harry did not lead to anything more serious.

She said: ‘I wouldn’t have liked to have married into the royal family. It takes a special person to endure what you need to do in the family. I live a different lifestyle. It’s not that I couldn’t, but I didn’t see that for myself.

‘At the time I was living in Southern California and I was a dominatrix at night and an anaesthetician by day.

‘I definitely lived a different lifestyle and when I met Harry I was just there to party and have a good time, and we had that moment which I will always cherish.

‘But I didn’t think I need to pursue this and make it into something – we don’t do that with everyone we meet. It takes a special person to do that and live that life in the palace.’

Carrie could also not resist having a dig at Meghan, saying: ‘I know she knows about Vegas. He was single, out having fun in Vegas, and a lot of people were in town, and everybody was having fun and he got caught up in that.

‘If she’s going to say anything about it, it would probably be out of jealousy because she wasn’t there.’

Harry went on his lads¿ break in Las Vegas to let off steam when he was aged 27 before his second trip to Afghanistan when he flew Apache helicopters with the Army Air Corps

Carrie could also not resist having a dig at Meghan, saying that she would only say something about the night out of 'jealousy' for not being there

Describing the Duchess’ possible reaction to Harry’s naked fooling around, she added: ‘If we met, she might think it was an immature thing.

‘She comes across as this woke, mature activist and so it would be completely beneath her and almost shameful, so maybe that’s another reason they don’t bring it up, because it’s an aspect of his character she’s trying to say is not there currently.

‘I think maybe they are trying to brush it under the rug – I think she’s trying not to address it, and I think if she were to meet me, I think she would try to avoid it at all costs. She’s trying to avoid it.

‘She has totally sucked the fun out of him. She has robbed him of his fun side. It’s her narrative, and he has sacrificed himself to be in her world – it’s her all-American dream now.

‘She’s captured him, she’s domesticated a Royal. She kind of conquered him and maybe he’s a trophy for her.

‘I don’t see any of this as being his idea, because he grew up in the Royals and he accepted that life.

‘She doesn’t really respect he had a title and responsibilities. She’s definitely a wedge between him and his family. She definitely wedged herself between him and his family and his duties and I think he is highly manipulated by her.”

Carrie went on to criticise former Suits star Meghan as a ‘social climber’, and slammed her for claiming on her Spotify podcast Archetypes that she was treated as a bimbo on the US game TV show Deal Or No Deal when she had to pose with briefcases containing cash at the age of 25.

Carrie went on to criticise former Suits star Meghan as a ¿social climber¿, and slammed her for claiming on her Spotify podcast Archetypes that she was treated as a bimbo

Describing her opinions of Harry and Meghan now, she went on: ¿You have to just roll your eyes at them'. Pictured: Harry and Meghan in Whistler this February

She said: ‘I said the words ‘social climber’ about her years ago. She is a social climber – and no one is addressing that.

‘She’s manipulative. She claims to have been bullied, but she uses the same media that “bullied” her to advance her fame.

‘Her claim she felt like a ‘bimbo’ on Deal Or No Deal is really throwing a lot of other actresses under the bus.

‘She wasn’t the only one on that show, and she was probably excited to have even participated in that, so for her to say she felt like a bimbo… She put a sparkly dress on like the rest of the models that were out there showcasing briefcases.

‘It’s almost like she was saying she was prostituting out there – it’s really insulting the other models that took that job alongside her.

‘She would probably regard me as a bimbo, and probably more…. I’d love her to invite me on her podcast.’

Describing her opinions of Harry and Meghan now, she went on: ‘You have to just roll your eyes at them.

‘They’re saying the media portrays them in a false way, but them using this platform of Netflix to create their own narrative – we’re being manipulated by their own photographs and video of them.

A Larry Flynt's Hustler Club entertainer displays Prince Harry's underwear during the auction

‘Then after being shown their love story, then it’s the, ‘Oh, poor us, poor us, poor me, poor me’ – victimised, victimised.

‘So they are complaining so much. The benefits of their privileged life outweighs anything they’re complaining about.

‘They’re saying how horrible it is for them to see the media making money out of him and their family, but they are collecting money to attack his own family.

‘It’s a contradiction – they are doing that too. It’s contradicting exactly what they are preaching.

‘For him to come out and attack the royal family and his brother without them even being able to defend themselves, clearly because they are gracious enough and classy enough not to, it’s hypocritical.

‘It’s about their narrative and they are trying to convince the general public to side with them, because it’s unfair.

‘In the end, we’re going to look at them and go, ‘Really? Poor baby’. They live such a privileged life. She gets hair and make up while she’s complaining about the royal family and what they put her through. It’s just embarrassing for them.’

Carrie added: ‘I’m a lot older than what people thought – I’m 52. I was 41 when I met Harry, the age Meghan is now.

‘I have two children in their 20s and I own a production company and am working on a documentary now, but it has to do with World War Two.

‘I’m working on a documentary about where the red light district was in New Orleans. I travel the world and that’s my life. I’m in a relationship now.’

Andy Young

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