Tons of robot vacuums claim to mop, but only these 4 hybrids actually do the job

Tons of robot vacuums claim to mop, but only these 4 hybrids actually do the job

UPDATE: Mar. 15, 2024, 5:00 a.m. EDT Roborock, Ecovacs, Eufy, and Samsung debuted new mopping robot vacuums at CES 2024. We’re awaiting their release for hands-on testing and will update our top picks in this story accordingly.

Despite the enthusiasm of actors in Swiffer commercials, few people are smiling at the thought of manually mopping their floors.

Digging a mop out of the closet and exerting enough elbow grease to constitute an arm workout is a recipe for us to skip mopping altogether. The best robot vacuum and mop combos can solve this problem — if they actually mop your floors properly.

Are robot vacuum and mop combos worth it?

Since 2020-ish, most robot vacuum companies have added at least one hybrid model to their lineup, with prices ranging from $100 to well over $1,000. Price is one thing, but whether a hybrid’s mopping pad does more than push water (or your spilt wine) around is another.

Fortunately, the past year or so has seen serious strides in the automated mopping department. Brands like iRobot, Roborock, Shark, and Narwal are moving far past the bare minimum — the technical presence of mopping gear — with features that actually make autonomous mopping effective, like pressurized and/or spinning mopping pads (rather than lackadaisical, stationary ones) and water tanks that allow cleaning solution to be mixed in (rather than cleaning with just water).

This shift is particularly exemplified in the fleet of new hybrid models released at CES 2024, where two clear themes for the future of 2-in-1 robot vacuums were unofficially set: The best robot hybrids will not only make dry floors gleam but will also automatically wash and dry mopping pads, as well as the refill the botvac’s water tank through a separate tank in the dock.

Below, we’ve narrowed down the best robot mop combos on the market in the first few months of 2024, including detailed explanations of the standout features that have proven their value during testing on our own personal floors. Regardless of your budget, you’re just a few clicks away from retiring that manual mop for good — and hanging out barefoot in peace.

Leah Stodart, Timothy Beck Werth, Stacia Datskovska

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