My hair was so thin you could see my scalp but I started using a scalp serum & now I have so much new growth, it’s crazy

My hair was so thin you could see my scalp but I started using a scalp serum & now I have so much new growth, it’s crazy

MILLIONS of people are trying to find natural ways to thicken their hair. 

From applying rosemary oil to the scalp, regularly massaging the head and taking vitamins, the beauty industry is bursting with solutions. 

Hair before using the scalp serum
Hair before using the scalp serumCredit: OUAI
Hair growth after using the scalp serum - note all the baby hairs
Hair growth after using the scalp serum – note all the baby hairsCredit: OUAI
The serum is applied via a dropper to the scalp
The serum is applied via a dropper to the scalpCredit: BOOTS

One product said to dramatically help hair growth is Ouai Scalp Serum. 

The brand claims: “Healthy hair starts with the scalp. 

“This skincare-inspired serum helps balance and hydrate your scalp to create an ideal environment for hair to thrive.” 

But does it really work? 


Boots customers have rated the serum 4.2 out of five online, with over 700 reviews posted. 

Kourtney R revealed how well it has been working for her: “Been using this for a couple weeks and have a lot of new hair growth in the spots that were thinning. 

“I was nervous to spend so much but it is worth the money!” 

Brenna W added: “I have definitely noticed a change in my hair, it’s thickened up and I have much less shedding. I have so much new growth it’s crazy!” 

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Amber A wrote: “Oh this is amazing. The first bottle showed lots of improvement in my hair, I had baby hairs growing in where my hair broke from too many ponytails. I highly recommend this product!” 

Lauren W said it was a “must-buy” and explained: “I have been using the scalp serum for about three weeks now.

“I have already seen differences in my hair, such as lots of baby hairs growing faster than usual. 

“I also feel like my hair is so much healthier looking.” 

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Maya H claimed it was “the best hair thinning product” on the market and left an extensive review

It read: “I’ve struggled with hair thinning since January of 2022 after a BAD trip to the hair salon/college stress. 

“I’ve used this serum for about a month now and let me tell you I’ve pretty much tried everything under the sun for hair thinning products. 

“My scalp looks so much more dense. I love how this product is so versatile and you can apply it whenever – it’s not one of those where you’re strapped to applying it before you shower.” 

As for how to use the serum, Oaui recommends “sectioning the hair to reveal the scalp”. 

Next, “apply dropper of serum down the part, and massage until it absorbs”. Then “style your hair as usual”. 


The benefit of this scalp serum is it can be used on wet or dry hair and according to customers, doesn’t leave your hair greasy-looking. 

It is however, on the pricey side – at £48 a 60ml bottle, which is said to last around a month.

Rebecca Miller

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