I’m a 63-year-old gran & I’m having a baby with my hubby, 26 – we had 3 failed pregnancies & it  it ruined our sex life

I’m a 63-year-old gran & I’m having a baby with my hubby, 26 – we had 3 failed pregnancies & it it ruined our sex life

A 63-YEAR-OLD grandmother has revealed that she is expecting a child with her husband – who is 37 years her junior.

Cheryl, who has 18 grandchildren, met husband Quran Mccain 26, when he was just 15 years old.

Cheryl and Quran are over the moon to be having a baby
Cheryl and Quran are over the moon to be having a babyCredit: SWNS
They are having their child via surrogate
They are having their child via surrogateCredit: SWNS
They previously had three failed surrogacy attempts
They previously had three failed surrogacy attemptsCredit: SWNS

However, the grandmother has assured that there were no romantic feelings between them at this time.

Eight years later, in November 2020, the couple met again, at a petrol station, and a relationship flourished.

The couple are now expecting a child, which they will have via a surrogate.

Speaking to SNWS, Cheryl, from Georgia, USA, said: “It was an amazing feeling to find out we were going to have a baby.

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“We get to start our own family.

“I am the happiest now than I have ever been before.”

Quran added: “I cried with tears of joy when I found out.

“This will be my very first child.

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“I have never felt love like this apart from the time I got married to Cheryl.”

The couple had been searching for a surrogate since 2022, and had three unsuccessful experiences.

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Quran said: “We went through a lot of emotional stress.

“It messed with our sexual love life, I had to save my sperm for the surrogate and we started missing each other’s needs.

“We have started working on that now.

“As soon as we stopped the surrogacy journey we reconnected romantically.”

How are Cheryl and Quran able to have a baby?

As Cheryl is too old to carry a child herself, the couple are having their baby via a surrogate.

This means that another woman will carry and give birth to the baby for them.

The baby that the surrogate will carry will use Quran’s sperm, but will not use Cheryl’s eggs.

This means that the baby will not be biologically Cheryl’s.

The couple found out that the fourth surrogate they tried was pregnant in April 2024, after they all visited the doctor together.

Cheryl said: “It was such a special moment for us both.

“It is a brand new start, we live for our baby now.

“It will make our family so much happier as we will love the baby unconditionally.”

Quran said: “Baby girl or baby boy it doesn’t matter.

“I am having a baby and we are starting our life together.

“Even though Cheryl won’t be the biological mother blood doesn’t make you family and she will be the best mum.”

Cheryl, who already has seven children, said that she now only sees one of them, as the rest are not supportive of her relationship with Quran.


However, the couple say they are not bothered about the negativity surrounding their marriage and are very happy together.

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Cheryl and Quran have a 37 year age gap
Cheryl and Quran have a 37 year age gapCredit: SWNS
Cheryl already has seven children
Cheryl already has seven childrenCredit: SWNS


Olivia Stringer

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