My DIY hair growth recipe is the way to go – start slow, TikTokers are crazy for using so much of a key ingredient

My DIY hair growth recipe is the way to go – start slow, TikTokers are crazy for using so much of a key ingredient

LESS is more when it comes to lengthening your locks, according to one hair growth DIYer.

Rather than listening to social media trends, they recommend paying attention to how much product you use.

A hair pro shared her DIY techniques for taming your hair (stock image)
A hair pro shared her DIY techniques for taming your hair (stock image)Credit: Getty

Redditor Waristory is a fan of one main ingredient for growing your mane – as long as it’s used in moderation.

“I would do 2 to 5%, rosemary oil,” they said.

“Start slow – people who do 10% on TikToks are crazy,” they continued.

Others agreed with their advice.

“For the people in the back – more is not better when using rosemary oil on your hair,” said one Redditor.

“If you feel like increasing, do so with measured drops, not free hand, not by pour,” they added.

Amazon sells an affordable bottle of SVA Rosemary Essential Oil for $7.95.

For best hair nourishment results, the Redditors suggests diluting the highly concentrated oil with a carrier oil.

Most read in Hair & Beauty

It can even be used on the skin.

They explained that for their own low porosity strands and oily scalp, it’s best to avoid one item that is known for clogging pores and hair follicles – coconut oil.

I’m a trichologist – the best ingredients to promote hair growth, plus others that reduce frizz and split ends

They are, however, a fan of rosehip and olive oil, especially if you have a dry scalp.

For “normal-ish” skin, they recommended argan or marula oil.

Have combo skin?

No problem, just use some jojoba for that.

Amazon sells an affordable rosemary oil - just remember, less is more
Amazon sells an affordable rosemary oil – just remember, less is moreCredit: Amazon

They also shared some of their other favorite ingredients for making a potent hair-growing potion.

These include pumpkin seed oil, which they explained acts as a carrier oil, as well as diluted peppermint oil and tea tree with 1% dilution.

“Castor oil is good, but use a low percentage, maybe 5 to 10% of your formula, as it’s very thick,” they said.

“Chamomile is fine, but I don’t really find it that helpful,” they continued.

They also didn’t notice any “benefits” of using lavender oil.

Tips for using rosemary oil

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  • Use with a carrier oil such as coconut, almond, or jojoba oil.
  • Massage into the scalp to help increase blood flow.
  • Use two to three times per week.

“It doesn’t actually calm your skin. Contrary, it’s irritating for a lot of people.”

While they explained that you can mix everything to your liking, they shared how they concocted their own serum.

They used around 2% to 3% of rosemary oil, but advised that you can use more if you if your scalp “can handle it.”

Just make sure never to go over 5%.

They also incorporate 40% jojoba oil, 30% argan oil, 5% pumpkin oil, 1% castor oil, and some tea tree oil.

They even shared another pro tip – store everything in a pump jar.

“I find the droppers tend to cause them to oxidize too quickly, plus it’s not that sanitary,” they said.

Others had questions of their own.

“Thoughts on almond oil? And what does tea tree offer that jojoba doesn’t in your case?” asked one Redditor.

“Tea tree oil kind of clarifies the scalp. It’s anti-bacterial. And it should be used with 1% dilution while jojoba is a carrier oil. So you can use both,” they replied.


“OK, do I just leave it in overnight a couple of times a week only?” asked another reader.

“If your scalp can handle it – my scalp can’t handle any oil for more than a few hours, so I usually massage well into the scalp and leave it for 30 minutes. Then wash it with shampoo,” they responded.

Julie Sagoskin

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