Parents could be FINED if their 18-year-olds fail to do National Service under Rishi Sunak’s controversial election plan – as Labour brands scheme a ‘teenage Dad’s Army’ and a senior Tory says it was ‘sprung’ on unsuspecting ministers

By David Wilcock, Deputy Political Editor For Mailonline Published: 06:12 EDT, 27 May 2024 | Updated: 06:58 EDT, 27 May 2024 Parents may be fined if their adult children fail to do their National Service when they turn 18, a

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Grant Shapps says ‘potential failings’ by contractor SSCL may have made  Mod payroll hack ‘easier’ as China is blamed for cyber-attack on Armed Forces personnel data

MPs are set to be told about the massive data breach tomorrow  By David Wilcock, Deputy Political Editor For Mailonline Published: 12:27 EDT, 7 May 2024 | Updated: 13:33 EDT, 7 May 2024 Failures by a formerly government-owned contractor may

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Rishi who? Tory Tees Valley mayor Ben Houchen fails to mention PM Sunak in re-election victory speech and says he could ‘absolutely’ work with Keir Starmer as PM – as Boris Johnson ally ‘forgets’ to wear blue Conservative rosette at poll count

By David Wilcock, Deputy Political Editor For Mailonline Published: 08:23 EDT, 3 May 2024 | Updated: 09:28 EDT, 3 May 2024 Tory Ben Houchen was re-installed as the mayor of the Tees Valley today – but failed to mention Rishi

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Kemi Badenoch says arch-Remainer (and current Cabinet colleague) Lord Cameron is guilty of ‘dereliction of duty’ for failing to plan for Brexit before 2016 referendum because he hoped it would not happen

By David Wilcock, Deputy Political Editor For Mailonline Published: 11:03 EDT, 26 April 2024 | Updated: 11:12 EDT, 26 April 2024 Kemi Badenoch last night launched a fierce Brexit broadside at her current Cabinet colleague Lord Cameron, appearing to accuse

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Grant Shapps insists ministers have ‘absolute confidence’ in UK’s nuclear deterrent after Trident missile sinks with a ‘plop’ in the Atlantic during failed test launch from Royal Navy submarine

Ministry of Defence confirmed that an ‘anomaly occurred’ during the exercise  By David Wilcock, Deputy Political Editor For Mailonline Published: 08:51 EST, 21 February 2024 | Updated: 10:02 EST, 21 February 2024 Grant Shapps today insisted the Government retains ‘absolute

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