OpenAI’s ChatGPT Is Coming to Apple Apps video     – CNET

OpenAI’s ChatGPT Is Coming to Apple Apps video – CNET

OpenAI's ChatGPT Is Coming to Apple Apps


Speaker 1: Apple Intelligence is available for free with iOS 18, iPad OS 18, and macOS Sequoia, bringing you personal intelligence across the products you use every day. Still, there are other artificial intelligence tools available that can be useful for tasks that draw on broad world knowledge or offer specialized domain expertise. We want you to be able to use these external models without having to jump between different tools, so we’re integrating them right into your experiences. [00:00:30] And we’re starting out with the best of these, the Pioneer and Market Leader Chat, GPT from OpenAI, powered by GPT-4. Oh. First we built support into Siri, so Siri can tap into chat GT’s expertise when it might be helpful for you. For example, if you need menu ideas for an elaborate meal to make for friends using some freshly caught fish and ingredients from your garden, you can just ask Siri.

Speaker 1: Siri determines that chat. GPT might have good ideas for this. [00:01:00] Ask your permission to share your question and presents the answer directly. You can also include photos with your questions. If you want some advice on decorating, you can take a picture and ask what kind of plants would go well on this deck. Siri confirms if it’s okay to share your photo with chat GPT and brings back relevant suggestions. It’s a seamless integration. In addition to photos, you can also ask questions related to your documents, presentations, or PDFs. We’ve also integrated chat GPT into the [00:01:30] system wide writing tools. With Compose, you can create content with chat GPT for whatever you’re writing about. Suppose you want to create a custom bedtime story for your six-year-old who loves butterflies and solving riddles. Put in your initial idea and send it to chat GPT to get something back.

Speaker 1: She’ll Love Compose can also help you tap into chat GT’s image capabilities to generate images in a wide variety of styles. To illustrate your bedtime story, you’ll be able to access chat [00:02:00] GPT for free. Without creating an account, your requests and information will not be logged. And for chat GPT subscribers, you’ll be able to connect your account and access paid features right within our experiences. Of course, you are in control over when chat GPT is used and will be asked before any of your information is shared. Chat GPT integration will be coming to iOS 18, iPad OS 18 and Mac OS Sequoia later this year. We also intend to add support [00:02:30] for other AI models in the future.

Jide Akinrinade

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